Choose from the left not from the right! |
my first blog I talked about how truly
believing in yourself will result in achieving the things that you
never thought were possible. Now I will begin to tell you the secret
to my weight loss success! It all started with a little word called
Paleo. When I was first introduced to this lifestyle (thank you
Crossfit Wilmington) I thought it sounded a little absurd. Note that
I said lifestyle,
not diet. As a long time weight lifter and athlete I was being told
that the way I ate, for every sort of physical activity and sporting
event, was wrong. What I thought was my greatest ally athletically,
carbohydrates, turned out to be the reason I was plagued with weight
issues my entire life. "What do you mean Chris? Isn't our body
supposed to get
twelve servings of breads, grains and pasta per day?"
Absolutely, positively, and without a doubt NO!!! There is no reason
whatsoever that we should be eating a SINGLE serving of breads,
grains, or pasta per day let alone twelve. In fact, there are many
things that have become staple parts of our diets that we not only
don't need, but shouldn't eat!
are not the root of all evil, in fact carbohydrates are necessary to
replenish our bodies' stores of muscle and liver glycogen. The
problem is the sources and types of carbohydrates, the quantities in
which we eat them and the other nutritional content of the foods that
contain these "bad" carbohydrates. To put it simply, the
only types of carbohydrates we should be getting are those from
vegetables, preferably leafy and green. Colorful vegetables are good
too, in fact it is a good thing to eat a variety of vegetables so
that you get a broad spectrum of vitamins and nutrients. That is not
to say that
all vegetables
are good, tubers i.e potatoes, should be very limited because they
contain high proportions of carbohydrates which will cause your body
to produce insulin which in turn causes you to store fat. If weight
loss is your goal, it would be better to just cut out the tubers all
together. "Hey now, what about fruit? An apple a day keeps the
doctor away right?" Fruit contains sugar, and sugar, when
consumed willy nilly, can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals.
However, I do not advocate the elimination of fruits from our diets.
It is perfectly fine to eat fruit, in fact, much of our bodies free
radical fighting antioxidants come from fruit. A good rule of thumb
when dealing with fruit is to follow one of two rules. If weight
loss is your goal, then for every four servings of vegetables eat one
serving of fruit. If weight maintenance is your goal, then for every
two servings of vegetables eat one serving of fruit. Just like with
vegetables, there are fruits that are better for you. Berries, small
and dark, eat them, they are antioxidant packed power houses. Again,
variety is a good thing, but beware, many fruits contain ALOT of
sugar, which causes a rise in insulin, which in turn causes the body
to store fat.
Changing the way you eat isn't rocket surgery, the biological
processes by which your body breaks down and utilizes nutrients are.
That being said, there is a great deal of information that we the
people are just not informed about. We are taught our whole lives to
live and eat a certain way. There is a reason why disease, cancer,
malnourishment, and other problems plague our society. Most of
today's health issues are directly linked to the way we eat. This
brief segment is just one of many to follow where I will inform and
educate those who need help. If you are at your wit's end with
trying and failing to get in shape, get healthy, lose weight and be
happy, then stay tuned. I'm reaching out to aid all of you along
your journey to better health. I have spent the last three years of
my life delving deep into the world of nutrition, how every facet of
what we eat effects the way we perform and function. The best part
is, through personal trial and error I have done all the work for
you! I have done the research, I have applied the knowledge and the
results are a direct reflection of what I have achieved for myself.
Have questions? I have answers. Subscribe to my blog and stay
tuned. Remember, the body achieves what the mind believes, so truly
believe in yourself and I will help you along the way!